07-19-16 Club Meeting Minutes

We had two guests today.  Larry was invited by Greg, and Makiba found us through our website.


Greg Fuchs – The Three D’s
Greg treated us to an entertaining speech about interviewing his daughters dates.

Matt Kinsey – International Proposals A & B
Matt shared information about the Proposals that will be voted on at the International Business Meeting in Washington DC.

Peter Palmer – Make America Save Again
Peter gave us a very informative speech on Self Directed IRAs.

Brandon led a lively Table Topics on “This Day in History.”

Jeanine, Brandon and Lois provided Evaluations of the speakers.

Business Meeting:

Brandon reminded everyone about the TLIs coming up in Miami and Miramar. Details can be found on www.toastmastersd47.org.

Club Contests will be held over the next two weeks, and we called for volunteers to compete.

  • Evaluation Contest – 7/26 – Contestants are Cynthia, Aimee, Ben, Andy and Peter if he is there.
  • Humorous Contest – 8/2 Contestants – Greg

Dues Increase – TI is increasing the 6 month dues from $36 to $45 starting October 1.  The board recommended that we change the club dues from $3 per month to $2.50 a month which changes to total cost to members from $54/6 months to $60 /6 months.  Jeanine moved and Andy seconded to accept the Board’s recommendation and it passed unanimously.

Proposal B – This proposal makes the International Audit Committee a standing committee.  The motion was made to instruct our Proxy holder to vote for it.  It was seconded and passed.

Proposal A – This proposal removes the requirement for TI to have their physical location in California from the By-Laws. The motion was made to instruct our Proxy holder to vote for it.  It was seconded and passed.

By Jeanine Kinsey

Jeanine has been a member of Toastmasters since August 2006. She has served in several club officer roles and district roles since then including District Treasurer, Conference Chair, District Webmaster, Division Governor, Lieutenant Governor Marketing, Lieutenant Governor Education & Training and District Director. She is a Web Designer, Consultant and speaker and enjoys sharing her stories of living "Blindsighted" with her audiences. She is also very active in her church and in the Boy Scouts and enjoys hiking, camping and reading in her spare time. She has 2 children and 2 grandchildren.

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