August 14, 2018 Meeting

From Shakespeare and Star Wars to mysterious CIA pens… we had a lot of fun today!

We started the meeting with our words of the day “accurate vs. precise,” and then voted in our newest member Shakeem.

Our speaker today was Brandon Kinsey working on “The Play” project from the Interpretive Reading Manual.  This was his last speech for his ACG!  The title of the speech was “A Long Long Time Ago.” and was a Shakespearian style play about Luke and Darth Vader from the Start Wars trilogy and the scene in Cloud City when Luke finds out who his father is.  Brandon came in Jedi garb and even made the Darth Vader breathing sounds.

Table Topics were unique and started with Matt practicing his farewell speech to the Board which he will do next week in Chicago.  They continued with Eric having to explain how a pen ended up in Brandon’s computer bag.  Ben, Dick, Shakeem and Peter answered various questions about “going to get the keys out of your wife’s purse….,” “why you need to carry a tranquilizer dart gun…,” “the most unusual thing you ever saw in the x-ray machine as a TSA agent…,” and “tell us about a woman you know that would win the purse game and why.”

Peter won Table Topics.

Brandon talked about why you should compete and introduced our club contest dates:
September 11 – Evaluation Contest
September 25 – Humorous Speech Contest
Please let him know if you want to help run one of them, or compete in either or both.


By Jeanine Kinsey

Jeanine has been a member of Toastmasters since August 2006. She has served in several club officer roles and district roles since then including District Treasurer, Conference Chair, District Webmaster, Division Governor, Lieutenant Governor Marketing, Lieutenant Governor Education & Training and District Director. She is a Web Designer, Consultant and speaker and enjoys sharing her stories of living "Blindsighted" with her audiences. She is also very active in her church and in the Boy Scouts and enjoys hiking, camping and reading in her spare time. She has 2 children and 2 grandchildren.

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