October 23, 2018 Meeting Minutes

We had a full house and a full meeting on Tuesday.

We had 1 guest, Kate, who found us on the internet and will be back next week.

Lois did an Ice Breaker titled “Who am I?” and shared here current adventures with her business. Jeanine evaluated her.

Miko also did an Ice Breaker and shared her story of coming to America. Aimee evaluated her.

Alex completed project #8 in the CC manual and told us how to read the labels at the grocery store. Andy evaluated him.

Ben was Table topics master and asked Greg to share an embarrassing moment and Rhonda shared her perspectives on “You Can’t Please Everyone.”

Greg won Table Topics for the day.

During our business meeting, Jeanine presented the Club Recognition Plan for Outspoken Toastmasters and the 2018-2019 Budget.  Both passed unanimously.

Please remember to sign up for roles.  This week, we did not have a grammarian or body language monitor because they were not filled before the meeting.  The only roles we will fill at the meeting itself are Evaluators, Timer, General Evaluator, Table Topic Master and Toastmaster if they are not already filled, or do not get there on time.  Other roles will be left open.

By Jeanine Kinsey

Jeanine has been a member of Toastmasters since August 2006. She has served in several club officer roles and district roles since then including District Treasurer, Conference Chair, District Webmaster, Division Governor, Lieutenant Governor Marketing, Lieutenant Governor Education & Training and District Director. She is a Web Designer, Consultant and speaker and enjoys sharing her stories of living "Blindsighted" with her audiences. She is also very active in her church and in the Boy Scouts and enjoys hiking, camping and reading in her spare time. She has 2 children and 2 grandchildren.

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