Attendees: Andy, Jeanine, Sonali, Derek, Matt, Ching-Mei, Greg H., Lois, Dick, Brandon, Peter, Ben, Greg F., Rhonda and Nick
TM Ken visiting from District 7, Diana Rodriguez – Area Director
TM Sudha and Shukla from District 60
Ching-Mei shared some of the beuaty of her home country, Taiwan.
Jeanine lead the gift opening session for all of our members and recognized our educational awards and new officers
Diana introduced herslef as our Area Director and provided updates on upcoming events
Peter led Table Topics Today.
Matt Kinsey “I loves me kitty”
Greg Fuchs – Descibe a food or quisine that you tried and had no idea how to eat it – but he switched to cats
Shukla – Describe you pet Alligator, Chompers
Rhonda – deoxyribonucleic acid
Aimee – Tell us about your relationship with hot sauce
Nick – First time you travelled outside the US
Lois was the General Evaluator.
Derek evaluated Ching-Mei
Lois evaluated Derek’s evaluation for his project
Winner for best Table Topics: Aimee Roger
We need contest masters for both club contests on 9/15 and 9/29.
Area 20 Virtual Contest is October 10th at 1:00 PM