Present: Jeanine Kinsey, Andy Bern, Lois Margolin, Dick Linehan, Benjamin Yen, Brandon Kinsey, Nick Delfino, Brandum Davis, Greg Fuchs
Guest: Hart
We voted Brandum into the club
We received our President’s Distinguished Ribbon from TI
Word of the Day: nuance – a subtle distinction or variation
Benjamin spoke on “Manage Yourself and Adapt to the ever Changes in Life.”
Dick led Table Topics today:
Brandon – Explain centrifugal force (centripetal?)
Andy – Explain the nuance between accuracy and precision
Brandum – Explain the concept of inertia
Jeanine – Explain gravity
Nick – Explain googol in mathematics
Lois – Explain calorie in thermodynamics
Greg – Explain a first class lever
Ben – Where is the Magnetic North Pole?
Andy evaluated Ben’s speech
Best Table Topics Speaker: Andy
December 12 – Club Officer Training
February 13 – TLI
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!