Meeting Minutes – December 8, 2020

Present: Jeanine, Dick, Nick, Lois, Andy, Greg F., Rhonda, Ben,

Word of the day: amicable – characterized by friendly goodwill: peaceable

Andy spoke on “LMX – Leader, Member, Exchange”
Ben spoke on “Understanding the Impact of Your Attitudes and Thoughts On Daily interactions.”

Jeanine led Table Topics:
Andy – What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Greg – What is your favorite childhood memory?
Nick – Which holiday is your least favorite?
Dick – When you think of the holiday season, what smells come to mind?
Lois – What special dishes do you prepare for your holiday meal?
Rhonda: What is the funniest thing to ever happen during a Holiday weekend?
Jeanine – The Christmas that should have taken place 6 weeks later

Rhonda evaluated Andy and Lois evaluated Ben

Best Table Topic Speaker was Dick

Lois reminded everyone that Office Training is this Saturday

By Jeanine Kinsey

Jeanine has been a member of Toastmasters since August 2006. She has served in several club officer roles and district roles since then including District Treasurer, Conference Chair, District Webmaster, Division Governor, Lieutenant Governor Marketing, Lieutenant Governor Education & Training and District Director. She is a Web Designer, Consultant and speaker and enjoys sharing her stories of living "Blindsighted" with her audiences. She is also very active in her church and in the Boy Scouts and enjoys hiking, camping and reading in her spare time. She has 2 children and 2 grandchildren.

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