Present: Jeanine, Dick, Nick, Lois, Andy, Greg F., Rhonda, Ben,
Word of the day: amicable – characterized by friendly goodwill: peaceable
Andy spoke on “LMX – Leader, Member, Exchange”
Ben spoke on “Understanding the Impact of Your Attitudes and Thoughts On Daily interactions.”
Jeanine led Table Topics:
Andy – What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Greg – What is your favorite childhood memory?
Nick – Which holiday is your least favorite?
Dick – When you think of the holiday season, what smells come to mind?
Lois – What special dishes do you prepare for your holiday meal?
Rhonda: What is the funniest thing to ever happen during a Holiday weekend?
Jeanine – The Christmas that should have taken place 6 weeks later
Rhonda evaluated Andy and Lois evaluated Ben
Best Table Topic Speaker was Dick
Lois reminded everyone that Office Training is this Saturday