Present: Andy, Jeanine, Dick, Derek, Lois, Ben, Peter, Aimee, Nick
Andy spoke on “You are not funny”
Lois spoke on “My Husbands is Collecting on My Life Insurance”
Peter led Table Topics:
Aimee – Tell us about the best vacation you ever had
Ben – The worst place you’ve been to in Taiwan
Andy – The family vacation that you took that turned into the Griswald Vacation
Lois – The place that you really want to travel to, as if you’ve already been there
Jeanine evaluated Andy and Nick evaluated Lois.
Best Table Topics Speaker was Lois
Make-Up Officer Trainings are happening this week if you need to take training.
March 27 at 10 AM – Division B Contest.
Dues are due now. Lois has emailed invoices to everyone. Please pay or contact Lois directly.