Weekly Meeting – March 16, 2021

Present: Matt, Dick, Brandon, Ben, Nick
Guest: Robert Rizzo

Matt’s project was “Managing a Difficult Audience” and he spoke on canceling last year’s International Convention. His time was 11:50 Nick was our Table Topics Master
Dick – Should there be tougher penalties for driving while distracted? 1:37
Brandon – What are the all necessary elements for the perfect road trip? 1:50
Matt – What is your dream car? 1:30
Robert – If the highest speed limit is “x”, why do we allow manufacturers to sell cars that go twice as fast? ~1:01
Benjamin – Should passengers be allowed to touch the radio or A/C? 1:38
Nick – What are your thoughts on graduated licensing? 2:18

Ben was our General Evaluator
Robert evaluated Matt – 4:00

Next week’s meeting is a special meeting where we will be looking at the vision for Outspoken Toastmasters. We need as many of you there as possible to be part of this discussion. We also have a couple of budget items to vote on and need a quorum.

The Division B Contest is March 27, 2021 at 10:00 AM. Be sure to register to attend.

By Jeanine Kinsey

Jeanine has been a member of Toastmasters since August 2006. She has served in several club officer roles and district roles since then including District Treasurer, Conference Chair, District Webmaster, Division Governor, Lieutenant Governor Marketing, Lieutenant Governor Education & Training and District Director. She is a Web Designer, Consultant and speaker and enjoys sharing her stories of living "Blindsighted" with her audiences. She is also very active in her church and in the Boy Scouts and enjoys hiking, camping and reading in her spare time. She has 2 children and 2 grandchildren.

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