Toastmasters Meeting

Tuesday December 19, 2023 12:00 PM EST
Zoom Master Open
Must be on-site: Controls the Zoom Room, welcomes on-line guests, and monitors the Chat Window.
Toastmaster of the Day Jeanine Kinsey, DTM
Introduces supporting roles. Leads the meeting.
Ah Counter Open
Body Language Monitor Brandon Kinsey, DTM
Timer Peter Palmer, DTM
Times all speaking roles
Grammarian Gregory Henry, DTM
Uses the Word of the Day in a sentence.
Vote Counter Open
Collects votes for Best Table Topics.
Speaker 1 Open
Speaker 2 Kyle Mitchell
Speaker 3 Open
Backup Speaker Open
Topics Master Matt Kinsey, DTM
Call for Timer and voting
General Evaluator Jeanine Kinsey, DTM
Explains the importance of evaluations. Introduces Evaluators.
Evaluator 1 Member not found
Evaluator 2 Open
Evaluator 3 Open
Educational Moment Open
Planned Absences – Only displayed for logged in members of this site
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