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Outspoken Toastmasters

Tuesday September 17, 2024

Outspoken Toastmasters

Club Mission: We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.


Please support our host, Wings Plus 

Drink Only $5 Cash Only

Lunch $12 Cash
     (+$1 for premium sides)
$15 Min. Credit Card Charge






Brandon Kinsey, DTM

VP of Education
Jeanine Kinsey, DTM

VP of Membership
Kyle Mitchell

VP of Public Relations
Carlos Penaranda

Rhonda Sternberg

Lois Margolin, DTM

Sgt. at Arms
Peter Palmer, DTM

12:00 to 12:03 PM

Sgt. at Arms calls the meeting to order, leads the Pledge of Allegiance, and reminds everyone to check in on Facebook.

Zoom Master
12:03 to 12:04 PM

Sgt. at Arms introduces Presiding Officer.

12:04 to 12:07 PM
Toastmaster of the Day Ronald Pierre
Ah Counter
Body Language Monitor
Vote Counter
12:07 to 12:28 PM
Speaker 1 Michael Pleasant
Speaker 2 Gregory Henry, DTM
5 – 7 minutes
Speaker 3

Speakers have reserved 14 minutes out of 21 planned

Backup Speaker
12:28 to 12:35 PM
Topics Master Emily Matias
12:35 to 12:36 PM
General Evaluator Peter Palmer, DTM
12:36 to 12:46 PM
Evaluator 1 Brandon Kinsey, DTM
Evaluator 2
Evaluator 3
12:46 to 12:51 PM

General Evaluator calls for 1 minute report from the body language monitor, timer, and grammarian.

General Evaluator introduces Toastmaster.

12:51 to 12:53 PM
Educational Moment
12:53 to 12:54 PM

Toastmaster calls for 1 minute Ah Counter report.

12:54 to 12:55 PM

Toastmaster calls for Ballot Counter Report.

12:55 to 1:00 PM

Toastmaster introduces Presiding Officer to conduct Club Business and welcome guests.

Presiding Officer adjourns meeting.

Planned Absences – Only displayed for logged in members of this site